Brill is a Buckinghamshire hilltop village, with a real sense of community. There is a newsagent and village store, two popular gastro pubs, a primary school, nursery, doctor’s facilities and a bus service to the larger nearby towns of Thame and Aylesbury. The village is famed for its landmark windmill and eye-catching hillocks of common land. There is a reputable primary school which is in the catchment for both Lord Williams’s secondary school in Thame and the grammar schools in Aylesbury. Junction 8a or 9 of the M40 are circa 9 miles away by car. There are also railway stations at Haddenham, Bicester and Aylesbury.
Tenure - Freehold
Council Tax Band - B
Council tax information is sourced directly from the government database. Tenure information and any associated charges are provided to the best of our vendor’s knowledge. Please seek independent legal advice for clarification.